Customer Reviews
Products You Can Trust






How To Use
Recommended to be used before bedtime, as the natural retinol ingredients can cause sensitivity to sun exposure. Apply to clean, dry skin - paying attention to areas that need more hydration. Follow with your favorite SPF for daytime applications.

The transformative results speak for themselves, and I am now a devoted fan of this skincare line.
Letter From The Founder

For me, SANITY embodies peace of mind. It represents safe ingredients that do their job, without compromise. SANITY believes that when you care for your body, it reciprocates that care in many ways – mentally, physically, and spiritually. I firmly believe that our bodies hold our unique magic and power. While I am an advocate for nurturing the inside of our bodies, I also strongly believe that when we take care of the outside, we unlock a new level of confidence, making us feel unstoppable.
So, my deepest hope is that SANITY Skin's luxurious, high-performing, planet-based, human and earth-friendly products can be a part of your journey towards embracing your unique beauty at any age.
Here's to a thrilling new body care journey; thank you for letting us share it with you.
xx Teresa